About us
We are a Galician company with innovative dairy products and satisfied clients in food retail, service and manufacturing.
Of the 70 people in our team, 8 people, work in our R&D&I department, helping us to stay at the forefront of research and product development.

We are a Galician dairy company with an innovative vocation looking to maximise its value through the manufacture and sale of dairy products with an added value, driven by our conviction that excellency, internationalisation, sustainability and commitment are the best way to satisfy our clients.
Our vision
To become a world-leading dairy company by having an innovative business model that is continually generating knowledge to be introduced into the industry and translated into the market, resulting in new lines of business: excellent, global and client oriented, contributing in this way to the sustainability of the Galician dairy industry.
Our values
We promote the continuous improvement of our own methods and the projects we take part in, always following high quality standards in our day-to-day work, addressing all the issues we encounter in our work and reducing them to a minimum.
We create and encourage new ideas on products, methods and services that can provide us with new sources of competitive advantage and help us respond to market changes, take risks and proactively promote new and efficient solutions.
Global spirit
Aware of the global context in which Innolact finds itself, we have become part of it. By being flexible, aware of change and connected to new technologies, we keep an open mindset that can help us to be close to our local and international clients.
We take responsibility for the economic, social and environmental sustainability of Innolact, its region and the dairy industry by creating continuous improvement systems, promoting social policies that can reduce the environmental impact and endorsing new innovative projects in the food/dairy sector.
We do not settle for the current status quo and we devote time, effort and resources to improve our work, methods, capacity and skills. We accept and show an interest in new challenges.
Passion and commitment
We are committed to the needs and objectives of Innolact, and we share its vision, mission and values, clearly oriented towards value creation, with enthusiasm and a constructive approach in order to improve Innolact and its methods.
We promote a collaborative environment that is also integrating, active and receptive, working towards common goals and encouraging collaborative spaces to think and work collectively.
By following Innolact’s values, we build loyal, honest and transparent relationships in all the fields we work in, acting in accordance to good professional practices and solving conflicts constructively.